
The first version of was released in 1998 to just one wholesaler. Today, more than 18,000 reps across 43 states trust PocketAdvantage™ as their order-entry software of choice. This multi-faceted tool enhances the order processing experience in several ways.

User | Sales Reps

We designed PocketAdvantage™ to allow sales reps in the field to process daily orders on an iPad or iPhone, without the need for an internet connection. Working offline is one of many conveniences.

Benefit | One-stop shopping. Literally

By showing customer-specific pricing, displaying only authorized products for that customer, and warning reps when an order appears to be unusual, PocketAdvantage™ customizes and simplifies the order process, minimizes potential errors that result in product returns, and give reps more time to focus on selling.

Empowered to Sell

You are equipped with multiple pricing and deals options, pricing within your device, predictive analytics, integrated sellsheet, and shelftalker production, as well as other time-saving functions. Inventiv also offers a secure cloud-based solution which connects directly to your backend system.

“I don’t think we could run our business without PocketAdvantage™. Once you learn this technology, you need it. There’s no going back. You don’t want to go back. The technology is that good.”
— Steve Paradis | Marketing Manager, A.S. Goodman

Set and Update Pricing in Real Time

When managers update deal pricings (including but not limited to post off, quantity-level discounts, single and multifamily deals, and chain pricing), that information is available to all sales reps through PA+™.

This seamless process reduces the likelihood of a sales rep giving a customer incorrect information.

Tracking, Payments & Due Dates

In states where sales reps offer customers credit terms, PocketAdvantage™ includes open invoices and enables the sales rep to record payments when they pick up a check.

In turn, accounting departments can make note of incoming payments in real time and keep customers off the state hold list.

Place Orders for Reps

If a sales rep goes on vacation or gets sick and his or her clients need to place orders, sales managers can easily step in to fill the void.

Managers can access their reps’ systems at any point and seamlessly make a transaction when needed. It would be as if the sale reps made the order themselves.