
The country’s leading software company for wine and spirits distribution is expanding its presence in the cannabis and cbd market. Don’t get left behind. This multi-faceted tool enhances the order processing experience in several ways.

By showing customer-specific pricing, displaying only authorized products for that customer, and warning reps when an order appears to be unusual, CannaAdvantage™ customizes and simplifies the order process, minimizes potential errors that result in product returns, and give reps more time to focus on selling.

We designed CannaAdvantage™ to allow sales reps in the field to process daily orders on an iPad or iPhone, without the need for an internet connection. Inventiv also offers a secure cloud-based solution which connects directly to your backend system.

User | Sales Reps ~ Benefit | One-stop shopping. literally

CannaAdvantage™ gives cannabis sales reps the most comprehensive selling tools in the industry. Over 2,500 app options are available on the CannaAdvantage™ platform for use in a given market or by a given type of sales rep, manager, or merchandiser. You are equipped with multiple pricing and deals options, pricing within your device, predictive analytics, integrated sellsheet, and shelftalker production, as well as other time-saving functions.