Sales History &

Commission Data

We know that some managers like balancing territories based on sales numbers and that other managers prefer using commission data. In RouteMaps, we offer both.

The sales history comes from PocketAdvantage, so you will see the same data that your reps see. We also write in your commission logic to be applied to the sales history so that you can balance territories or try out new commission rates.


Explore New Territories

Sometimes demographic changes, personnel changes, or brand changes produce a need to evaluate splitting existing territories into a few smaller territories or adding a new territory all together. This process is a cinch in RouteMaps.

Just click to add a new territory and move over accounts, and in a few clicks, you have a brand new territory built. And if you want some time to think it over, we save all your changes between sessions, so you can sleep on it and pick up where you left off, or present your findings to your boss for approval to hire that new rep you need.


Quickly Manage Territories, New Customers & Commissions

Our Territories feature provides an updated, visual platform for reviewing sales reps’ territories. Now you can locate and address unnecessary territory overlap and manage divisions correctly in a matter of minutes.

Our New Customers feature gives your team the upper-hand on reaching new businesses before the competition. The first sale at a brand new account is always the biggest. With RouteMaps, reps will receive notifications on new license applications and approvals in the area.

Our Commissions feature allows you to experiment and see real-time effects on the monthly revenue and commission of sales reps, by customer or commodity type.